We're halfway through the season and the kids are looking amazing! As their forehand and backhand technique improves, we're starting to see some progress in the quality and length of points when we play games, especially for the intermediates. And as the kids get to know each other better, we're having fun engaging in some friendly competition!
Today's focus was rallying, which is trying to sustain a point for the longest duration while maintaining correct form. After we warmed up with a few basic drills, the beginners worked on volley-to-volley rallies and moved on to short court hitting with a partner. Shoutout to Sreekar (aka Steph) who got 24 volley in row! Towards the end, we worked on shot placement with cones and a new game of "Aim at Sid":)
The intermediates worked on short court rallying, both cross court and down-the-line, as well as volley practice drills. We played a game of doubles, which became quite competitive with some extended points. We're excited to teach the students more about singles and doubles matchplay and serving in the future. We ended off the session with a group game of burn.
Today was one of our best sessions, despite the weather, and we're looking forward to what the rest of the season brings!